Updated: 16th September 2024
Dear Candidate,
If you’re anything like the hundreds of other campaigns, struggling to find accurate, actionable data…
You’ve probably experienced the lackluster results that these “data experts” provide at top-dollar.
You know the ones.
The, “we have so many donors in our database you’re not going to know what to do with them all” types.
Only to find out, less than half of the d*mn email addresses are accurate, cell phone numbers? Forget about it.
Addresses and even the names of the donors and voters? Unlikely to be from this century…
We call this the sh*t show.
And in the wild wild west of data vendors and acquisition, it’s not a stretch to say you’re probably jaded.
Been burned by the white hot flame of second, even third-rate data.
And the reason for that is…
Half of these firms don’t know what the hell they’re doing!
And the other half are recycling the same lists from Rand Paul’s presidential campaign.
While you need this data to make things happen – these shady “data firms” are lining their pockets with the cash that your campaign needs to make it through to the primary.
The fact is, the old way of doing things simply doesn’t work anymore…
That fire alarm you hear ringing in your head is the alarm of disappointment.
And it’s loud as hell.
It’s telling you that these “gurus” and “analysts” don’t know good data from a relaxing afternoon on the bright and sunny beaches of Florida.
No, they’re out there protesting for higher taxes and more government control when they should be speaking truth to power and delivering on what they promised your campaign…
Imagine this for a moment…
You go to buy a car and the salesman (or saleswoman…) says “it’s a great car, but the seatbelts only work 41% of the time.”
Are you going to drive off the lot in your braaaand neeeeww carrrr?
Of course you’re not.
And why would you?
Settling for something that only works 41% of the time is absolutely ridiculous.
… but unfortunately it’s the standard that we’ve all had to get used to.
It’s the way our predecessors did it… it’s the way their predecessors did it… and now, it’s the only way we know how to do it.
I’ll let you in on a little secret…
We’ve all heard the horror stories…
“Our campaign sent out 230,039 emails and over a sixth opened them!”
A sixth?!
Shut the front door (…and lock it too!)
There is so much being left on the table simply because these data “firms” and “gurus” don’t have an unpasteurized idea what they’re doing…
And it’s only getting worse.
You’re competing with the people that are using the same data as you. And you really believe you’re going to magically come out ahead?
No comprende…
It’s like running a marathon without knowing where the finish line is.
It’s like going fishing without a hook.
It’s like trying to convince a Democrat that lower taxes and closing the Southern border are both good things…
It just doesn’t make sense.
Truth be told, the real power lies in the accuracy of your data.
I don’t care if you have ten million or ten thousand contacts on your list…
What good does that do when less than a sixth of them are actually accurate?
Walk with me for a bit…
Now, I’m not calling those other “data firms” and “gurus” sh*t…
I’m just calling the results they deliver as I see it.
As YOU see it.
These firms and so-called experts are getting their data through the same channels they’ve used for decades.
And the quality continues to degrade… each and every cycle.
Here’s a fun little exercise…
Pick a name, any name on the data you get from one of these lousy lists and check the FEC to see if they also contributed to the Nixon campaign.
*wipes sweat from our furrowed brow*
It’s not because you did anything wrong. It’s because you’ve been lied to. Cheated on. Double crossed. Promised the moon but was given an atlas.
And I’m willing to put a few crisp $100 bills on the assumption that the excuses they give you when you put to use this “high quality data” are a dime a dozen.
“It’s just that time of year.”
“Donors just don’t like your campaign”
… or my personal favorite, “Our job was to get you the data, it’s not our problem that the data isn’t working for you.”
What kind of pickled bullsh*t is that?!
No, there has to be a better way…
It’s no secret that data just isn’t what it used to be…
And the reason for that has NOTHING to do with your campaign.
It all comes down to how these “data farms” are getting this data and what they do with it that makes all the difference.
You see, the typical campaign is going to research the resources available to them.
In most cases, that starts with the GOP Data Center through a brokered interaction with your state’s Republican party.
You’ll then have to pay a pretty penny to get access to a list of data that *they deem is relevant to your campaign.
And after you dust off the cobwebs, you’re left with this mess of a spreadsheet that has little more than addresses, names, out of data phone numbers and inactive email addresses.
So you import it to MailChimp or MailHippo or whatever animal-themed email marketing tool is hot that week…
You send out a campaign to the entire list and receive a whopping 2.7% open rate that ultimately results in absolutely no support for your campaign.
Sure, it could’ve been the email you sent. Perhaps it wasn’t optimized.
Perhaps it didn’t contain an over-the-top call to action or a promise to pay everyone that votes for you a $100 and free college…
Or, maybe – just maybe…
It was the sh*t data you were given.
The sh*t data that you paid cold hard cash for.
It’s time to break the cycle and remove your campaign from this literal sh*t show and move onto bigger and better things…
You see, the way these “experts” are getting their data is through the same tired channels that they’ve always got it from…
It’s inaccurate.
It’s unreliable.
It’s unproductive.
And most importantly, it doesn’t get your campaign any closer to victory than it was before you got it.
In fact, you’re actually worse off because you had to fork up a few thousand dollars to get access to this treasure-trove of excrement and you still don’t get to come out ahead.
That’s why we’ve developed something entirely different that actually delivers results.
Something that *guarantees* that the final product is accurate, up to date and most importantly… helps your campaign come out ahead!
Wanna know the secret to…
This goes against everything we’ve ever learned… not to judge a book by its cover… only what’s on the inside matters…
*blah blah blah*
The proof is in the pudding.
This FREE checklist reveals the most powerful political data trade secrets for boosting your contributions and opening the floodgates to unparalleled support for your campaign.
Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover:
And much, much more!
Anyway… this checklist is yours free, just enter your details in the box below and hit the “send me my checklist” button, and these high-powered political data tips will be sent straight to your inbox as a PDF report.
But, if you’ve seen enough… and just want to know, without a shadow-of-a-doubt…
So we know you’ve been burned… you’re jaded.
Incredibly let down by the promises of these third-rate data peddlers that churn and burn John McCain’s 2008 email list in hopes they can squeeze just another dollar from your campaign.
Enough of that nonsense.
It’s time to revolutionize the way your campaign acquires, ingests and deploys data.
Whether it’s voter data or donor data, the math shakes out like this…
Your data is WORTHLESS if it’s not accurate.
*or from this century*
And the sooner you realize that, the sooner we can help your campaign get on the straight and narrow. The fast-track to success.
To victory.
And it all starts when you…
If not now, then when??
“Since partnering with Redvail the results have been nothing short of outstanding. There are three simple words here and that is: Votes! Votes! Votes!
Joyce McCar, Campaign Manager, Boozman for Senate
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*there’s a special place in hell for spammers that we never want to visit.
Protected by all applicable laws. If you try to steal our stuff, we’ll come after your family. Liam Neeson style.