Updated: 16th September 2024
Dear Candidate,
If you would like to know a FAST, simple and guaranteed way to get more eyeballs on your campaign…
Without spending an single cent more on another advertising campaign…
Then this will be the most exciting and important message you’ll ever read.
Here’s why…
Did you know that the cost of political advertising has increased by an average of 391% in the last 4 years!
And it’s only going to get worse. A lot worse.
But it’s not all doom and gloom…
Because this page holds the key to exactly what to do in 2024…
So that these changes not only won’t affect you.
But you’ll actually welcome the increased cost of political advertising!
So lock the doors, turn your phone off…
And read every single word on this page.
Got it? good…
Alright… so why on earth would you actually welcome an increase in the cost of advertising for your political campaign?
Well, firstly… contrary to what the “gurus” are screaming, competition is good.
It thins the herd.
Because most campaigns advertising on these networks use what we call ‘dumb money’ to run advertising campaigns.
Meaning, they simply throw sh*t at the wall and see what sticks.
And when costs go up, less sh*t sticks for them.
So they stop running ads and journey across the planes in search of greener pastures.
And often, they throw the baby out with the bathwater.
On their never ending quest for “cheaper advertising”.
Those illusive $0.37 cent views.
Like we’re in 1998.
Rookies. Total amateurs.
You see, we’ve worked with clients in over 306+ different levels…
And generated over $2.7 billion dollars in contributions.
Here’s the proof!
And this kind of experience teaches you a lot.
Firstly, that “cheaper viewership” isn’t the answer.
You can’t ‘hope’ and ‘pray’ that things get easier (cheaper), you simply need to get better!
And after working in so many different campaigns.
With so many different candidates… and spending over $39 million dollars on traffic.
We developed a new and unique ‘advertising system’ for converting the most expensive views on the planet into campaign advocates.
So no matter how expensive the traffic… No matter how fiercely competitive the election…
Your campaigns will still generate a net-positive ROI.
Listen, this advertising system is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard about before…
And we’ve used it to…
And so on. Look, we could easily fill up this entire page with hundreds of success stories like this… because we’ve used this ‘advertising system’ in over 306 different campaign levels!
We’ve worked with small grassroots campaigns, all the way up to multi-hundred million dollar races to apply this ‘advertising system’…
In other words, our “system” for getting an ungodly amount of eyeballs to your campaign is…
Look, if you are looking for the real… the genuine… The no-bullsh*t way to truly explode the number of eyeballs you’re getting on your campaign’s advertising campaigns beyond all belief!
You’ve just stumbled across the most valuable and rewarding information on the face of the internet.
But if you’re like most candidates and campaigns, you’ve likely tried almost every conceivable way to grow your campaign’s advertising reach.
Some of it’s worked, but most of it hasn’t.
And at this point, you’ve probably been lied to, cheated by, stolen from, extorted and downright…
Ripped off by filthy advertising scum bags!
Who sold you the world, and at best, delivered an atlas.
I know you know the type, these geeks couldn’t sell their way out of a wet paper bag if they tried.
(Uuuuurgggghh! It makes my blood boil just thinking about it)
Because in a world of advertisers advertising advertisers…
Most political advertisers are like shady rug merchants.
So rather than spend our time and resources trying to convince you we’re different…
For a limited time we’ve decided to risk our own money to SHOW YOU we’re different.
Anyhoo, more on that in a moment.
For now let’s discuss how to…
Okay, so lemme ask you a question?
What’s stopping you from DOUBLING the amount of money you spend on advertising TODAY?
You wanna win your election right?
You want more voters, more donors and more campaign supporters, yea?
Then why don’t you just go to the “traffic supermarket” (AKA big media buyers)… and ‘buy’ all the eyeballs you need to win?
My guess is that all your advertising campaigns would sh*t the bed.
More specifically your…
Would shoot to outer orbit!
And your campaign’s bank account would be left screaming for mercy.
So let’s be honest…
A lack of eyeballs isn’t the thing holding you back from hitting your goals.
You know, those things you write down at the start of the campaign?
The things that allow you to…
Win your election.
Sail through open waters without an opponent in sight.
Implement your campaign’s agenda.
Be of service to your community.
Serve your country.
Don’t think it’s possible?
(Ahhhhhh… do you hear that? That’s the sound of your subconscious trying to sabotage you!)
Look, I know you’re skeptical.
I don’t blame you… and I don’t expect you to take our word for it.
So here is the eyeball-multiplying…
It’s stories like these that (almost) make our eyes sweat.
Okay, enough of that.
Let’s talk about how all this is possible.
Well, it wasn’t achieved by handing over crisp $100 bills to the big networks and their coffers…
Nope. It starts by asking…
The REAL question, of “how do I create an ‘advertising system’ that can convert tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of eyeballs into passionate campaign supporters…
But that’s a loaded question, and a very hard one to answer.
So instead, let’s use ‘inversion thinking’ and look at…
Look, having the ability to turn eyeballs into campaign supporters is THE most valuable skill a political advertising campaign can possess.
Period. End of story.
But I know you are sick of dealing with the never-ending sh*t storm of lying ad agencies, rising ad costs, unreliable staff members, poor conversion rates, and a negative-return from each and every advertising campaign.
Because it makes the whole process incredibly difficult and frustrating.
But when you break it down, there are only four reasons why your viewers don’t support your campaign.
Lemme go over each one of them here… and reveal how to overcome them.
Okay, so… the number one reason is…
Yep, they never see your advertisements.
And it’s pretty hard to get someone’s support who NEVER gets the chance to see your campaign.
Look, if you’re advertising.
Chances are your ads aren’t getting seen.
How do I know?
Well, the average Watch-Through Rate on an ad -nationwide – across all networks – is an incy-wincy 3.19%!
Meaning that if 100 of your hottest and most ideal supporters…
That are in ‘hunt-mode’, searching for you on Google and across the airwaves, see your ads.
Less than 4 people will actually see your campaign! (not support, just see your ad!).
But it’s not just a few of the major networks.
It gets worse the more networks you add into the fold…
It’s enough to make any candidate or campaign manager wanna scream at the sky and light their checkbook on fire.
What’s the solution to this?
Well, the very step to ANY support funnel and ‘advertising system’ is your ads.
And on most major networks, 2% of the advertisers get 40% of the eyeballs.
So the first step is getting your ads noticed… and to do this – your ads must…
In a world of AI machine learning ad buyers, with automated rules for ad positions, cost per view, when to increase CPV based on your cost per target viewer etc…
The way to get an edge is to create world class ads…
That grab your audience by the throat, and drags ’em into your campaign’s ecosystem.
The quality of your ads DRAMATICALLY impacts the conversion rates of your viewership.
However, most advertising firm’s ads are weak, vanilla, limp and impotent!
Boring ads are not going to get a second of your audience’s attention.
They’ll simply turn the channel or rush to get that cup of coffee from the pot before returning to their scheduled programming.
You could be campaigning on the promise of giving every voter that votes for you $1 Million dollars for FREE as your campaign’s primary platform (*cough cough* Bernie…)
But your audience will never get to that point in the engagement process because your ads are snoozers.
Alright… Listen closely, because I’m not going to repeat myself…
Your ad has one job, and one job ONLY.
To get people to SEE your campaign.
Your ads should demand attention.
Your ads should compel viewers to seek out your campaign, not vote for it.
(That’s the job of your campaign’s website, collateral and other materials)
Okay this moves us on to the second reason why people aren’t paying attention to your campaign ads…
Know this… the above strategies…
Yep, the second reason why your audience don’t seek out your campaign is…
They don’t want what you have to offer.
It’s true… No amount of the highest-quality, most targeted viewership on the planet – can save an ordinary campaign advertisement that no one wants to see nor cares about.
I’m talking about making advertisements that people will really and truly find compelling, exciting and irresistible!
So much so, that they’ll actually pull out their sneakers and get down to the polls.
Most voters don’t care about advertisements that are merely a statement of ‘we exist, so vote for us’.
Instead of giving the voter a compelling reason why they should consider supporting your campaign.
And then they wonder why their campaign is flatlining.
Or why network partnerships and hundred-thousand-dollar advertisement campaigns don’t work for them.
For the love of all things holy just give your audience what they want!
What they’re starving for.
Make ’em an offer so good, that they’d crawl across crushed glass to get their hands on it.
Alright, this brings us to the third reason why voters don’t care about your campaign’s advertisements…
I know a ton of people who would love to be elected into office.
I’d bet good money, if it were easy…
9 out of 10 people that ever even considered seeking public office would jump on the chance as opposed to working your typical 9 to 5.
But the reason why the airwaves aren’t littered with these egomaniacs…
Is because it’s really f*&@ing hard to get elected.
Makes sense.
And the same goes for other positions of leadership.
Sometimes the cost to execute is simply too much and we’re left holding the bag on another failed attempt.
If you’re trying to win over delegates or voters in a highly conservative district…
You should probably be promoting highly conservative campaign platforms and issues!
It will bring down your voter acquisition cost dramatically.
Oh, what’s that? Don’t believe me?
Okay, think about this…
If there were no banks to give mortgages to people… no homes would sell.
Well, almost none.
How many people have enough money to buy their home in cash?
Maybe 1%? (Better stay quiet or the Democrats will come knockin’ to try to raise your taxes…)
The installment terms make people pay their home off over the course of 30 years or so.
Look, you’re a smart person (good lookin’ too).
You can figure out other ways to make your campaign and campaign platform more appealing and more ‘affordable’.
More accessible.
Alright… Still with me? Good.
Onto the fourth and final reason people don’t give a sh*t about your campaign’s advertising campaigns.
I’d say this is one of, if not THE most important reason why your electorate will not support what you are pushing.
People are jaded.
They’ve been burned. (*cough cough* 2020 election)
Lied to.
Look, a lot of the time when you’re offering a solution to your electorate’s most pressing problems… you’re not the first person to do so.
They’ve heard all these promises before.
Yet here they are – still experiencing the same problem.
So naturally, they don’t believe your solution will work for them.
But, the crazy thing is, when a campaign gets sh*t results from their ads.
They usually blame the viewership.
Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, The Times etc…
They do everything BUT look at their campaign in the mirror.
And what undeniable proof they are providing – that what they are saying, is indeed true.
This is counter-productive.
The reason why your electorate didn’t get in contact, call you or support your campaign in the first place…
Is because they simply didn’t believe that your solution would work for them!
Here’s what they believe.
There are more people who would support your campaign had you made your pitch firstly more irresistible.
And just as important… more believable.
Look, the airwaves are full of hype and exaggerated claims.
You need to PROVE what you’re saying is indeed true.
You wanna “SHOW, don’t tell”.
Tattoo this on your eyelids.
This means, don’t just tell your audience that your solution is different and will really solve their problem.
SHOW them the unquestionable proof that it will!
By showcasing your electorate getting the same outcome you’re promising.
Not the normal lame testimonial from John Doe.
I’m talkin’ about specific instances of real results, case studies, whitepapers, news reports etc.
Give it a shot in your next campaign.
And watch your ad campaign make them pull their heads off.
Okay, enough of that. Listen, lemme level with you for a moment.
Reliably and consistently converting ice-cold viewers, and complete strangers into raving advocates of your campaign… is never the result of…
No… it’s about having a predictable and reliable “system” for converting viewers into raving advocates of your campaign.
And our “advertising system” includes a war chest of proven strategies and tactics that most firms don’t know even exist.
For example…
Okay, enough! Enough! Let’s get something straight right now…
Does this offer excite you?
Interested in putting us to the test?
Hold on there, tiger… not so fast.
Gotta back up a little first.
Because this is not for everybody.
There are three important factors which must exist before you should even think about applying for this opportunity:
Does this opportunity interest you? Do you meet the above qualifications? If so, go here and book a 30-minute strategy session with my team to see if we’d be a good fit.
P.S. Oh, well, hello there… need some more convincing huh?
Ok, listen up chicken nugget, you could continue to work your a** off, round the clock, dealing with all this stress, hassle and uncertainty… Of constantly loosing hearts and minds worrying about where the next advertising campaign will put you in the polls…
Pulling your hair out and dealing with the never-ending sh*t storm of lying advertising agencies, rising ad costs, unreliable staff members, poor conversion rates and results that are feast one month and famine the next.
Or you could click the button below, book a call in with my team and explore how to rapidly and radically grow your support in the next 6 weeks. Risk-free!
But a word of warning, when you pray for the rain, you have to deal with the mud.
So you better have the infrastructure in your campaign to SCALE! No, “oh can we pause the ads for a week”. Time to put your grown-up pants on, and SCALE.
Speak soon.
The TL;DR Version:
We’ll build a campaign to beat your best ads for you – and if we don’t beat them we don’t get paid. But act now before there’s a waiting list, and a strict dress code… because we’re only taking on 8 new clients per month with this offer.
“Since partnering with Redvail the results have been nothing short of outstanding. There are three simple words here and that is: Votes! Votes! Votes!
Joyce McCar, Campaign Manager, Boozman for Senate
Political Advertising Firms (at least those worth their salt…) help with a lot of things on the campaign trail.
Most notably, the advertisements and collateral your campaign deploys to the airwaves in an effort to win hearts and minds. Whether that’s a television spot, connected advertising campaign, sponsorship content etc…
A political advertising firm that’s worth a silver dime understands the complexities and nuances required to achieve success.
Here at Redvail, we provide an end-to-end solution that delivers results.
You betcha we do! From storyboarding, pre-production, post production and deployment – our team of advertising ninjas can deliver results your campaign can set its watch to.
Simple. We’re going to leverage our creative capabilities and understanding of advertising to deploy and encompass your electorate’s attention through data-driven advertising techniques.
We don’t ‘spray and pray’ at Redvail. We shoot to kill. And we’re on a mission to kill high advertising costs and voter acquisition costs.
Want some free money?
Get million dollar campaign strategies sent straight to your inbox every week. What has cost us millions to come by, you can get for the one-time low price of your email address. Just enter your email below.
*there’s a special place in hell for spammers that we never want to visit.
Protected by all applicable laws. If you try to steal our stuff, we’ll come after your family. Liam Neeson style.
Are you sure you want to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to maximize your cause and skip the line to victory on election day?