*But it’s 100% legal (pinky promise)
Updated: 16th September 2024
Dear Candidate,
We get it.
Running for office is hard. Really hard.
You’re probably worried about where your next move will take your campaign.
Stressed and sleeping like a teething two-year-old.
As your hair goes fifty-shades-of-grey from all the uncertainty.
And to top it all off…
You’re being pulled in a million and one directions.
For %*#@ sake!
Should I run a poll? Launch an ad campaign? Drop $30k on a logo?
Document the entire campaign on Instagram?
What about AI?
Everybody and their uncle’s talking about AI… lemme give it a go.
Actually… should I run some social ads? Spend $21k on a radio campaign? Post on Facebook twenty times per day?
Ah, got it! What about building a ‘beautiful’ shy new website?
Yep! That’s it!
That’s just what I need to win this election.
*somebody please pull out my eyelashes*
Look, most candidates have a bad case of shiny object syndrome, mixed with a scoop of ADD… and a sprinkle of “I can do everything”.
And they end up doing a little bit of this… a little bit of that.
Soon, they’re tearing out their hair with all the things they “have to” do.
We call this sh*t show, a “rats nest”.
Also known as hell.
It’s hot and muggy there.
And we’d rather rub ghost pepper chillies in our eyes than operate a campaign that way.
But this isn’t about us… it’s about you.
You’re reading this right now because, in some shape or form, your campaign isn’t where you want it to be.
Even though you put in a backbreaking amount of effort…
Pushing, shoving, scratching, clawing and hustling your face off to get here.
Or maybe you’re flying… and you simply want more.
More security.
More contributions.
More votes.
More predictability.
More time off the campaign trail.
More legroom.
More cocktail parties and galas with your spouse in places where you can get sand between your toes.
Whatever it is for you…
We’ve got good news for you…
‘Cause soon you’ll be feeling like “hey, I got this”.
You’ll be waking up every morning with an inbox that’s bursting with eager-to-vote voters.
You’ll be consistently and predictably getting more new voters than you possibly know what to do with.
Regardless of what’s going on with the economy.
And you won’t have to spend your weekends worrying about the campaign trail anymore.
Everything will be dialed in and running smoothly.
You’ll be in control and a sense of calm will wash over you.
And it all starts by “choosing your own adventure” below…
*cue angelic singling*
Skip the guesswork, trial-and-error and never-ending sh*t show of trying to figure everything out yourself – for the very first time. And instead, grow your campaign with proven election-winning-strategies, frameworks and scientific voter and donor acquisition (not hopes and prayers).
There are a lot of so-called “firms” and “gurus” roaming around the wild wild west that is the political landscape, today. Most of these people are all bark, no bite. All waffle, no syrup. ‘Cause consultants lie, but numbers don’t. And we’ve generated $2.7 billion (with a B) for our clients, in over 306 different levels.
Most campaigns try growing their reach through trial and error, by ‘hoping and praying’… by stumbling and trying to figure it all out by themselves – for the very first time. We call this “guesswork”. It’s unreliable, extremely-stressful and often results in failure (or a psychiatrist).
We’ve spent over 10+ years perfecting what works… in other words, this isn’t our first rodeo. And our hope is to shrink the amount of time it takes, for you to go from first-time candidate… to election-winning candidate.
Campaign Like Crazy shot up form being ranked 90,000 on the day of release, to a #1 Amazon bestseller in its first day. This book is easy to read and wastes no time in going straight for the jugular.
You get actionable strategies you can use RIGHT AWAY to dramatically improve and scale your campaign… in most cases, without spending a cent more on advertising.
“Since partnering with Redvail the results have been nothing short of outstanding. There are three simple words here and that is: Votes! Votes! Votes!
Joyce McCar, Campaign Manager, Boozman for Senate
A good political consulting firm will get to know your campaign inside and out. They will assess the operations your campaign is executing and establish the best strategies to invest in. Part of a political consulting firm’s strategy should involve continual evaluation to ensure a client is maintaining the perfect balance between their campaign expenditures and the results they’re getting.
With all of that but, unlike other firms, the Redvail team isn’t just focused on maintaining that perfect balance. Our goal is to CRUSH your opponents, turn campaign supporters into campaign advocates and deliver the biggest ROI possible using the most effective strategies available.
Because we put our money where our mouth is and we make BIG guarantees that other political consulting firms don’t. Go check out our individual service pages for more information on what guarantees we offer.
Are you serious about scaling your operations and dominating the election? We can work with you.
Do you want to plug into a team of politicos, expert fundraisers, pollsters, digital marketers, advertising ninjas who will help you to smash your growth goals and make the kind of ROI that will leave you shouting form the rooftops? We can work with you.
Do you understand the value of spending $1 to make $5? We can work with you.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a big or small campaign. Our clients range from small, grassroots campaigns with less than 5 staffers to large national campaigns with a workforce of hundreds of staffers operating from all corners of the country.
Why are burritos delicious? Why is water wet? No, but seriously. Instead of using this little section of content to spam you with humblebrags, let us just say this… Consultants lie, numbers don’t.
So instead of trying to convince you, we’re the best political consulting firm around… here are the stats:
You see, most political consulting firms talk a good game, but when it’s all said and done, they don’t use the very same strategies and tactics they prescribe to their clients (fundraising, polling, advertising, SEO, GOTV etc…) to grow their own business.
Which is a HUGE telltale sign to run for the hills!
Anyhoo. If you’re looking for a political consulting firm that’s worth its weight… You should schedule a free 30 minute strategy session with our team of experts and see all the awesome stuff we can cook up for you on the campaign trail.
Want some free money?
Get million dollar campaign strategies sent straight to your inbox every week. What has cost us millions to come by, you can get for the one-time low price of your email address. Just enter your email below.
*there’s a special place in hell for spammers that we never want to visit.
Protected by all applicable laws. If you try to steal our stuff, we’ll come after your family. Liam Neeson style.
Are you sure you want to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to maximize your cause and skip the line to victory on election day?